Common Problems About Wearing A Lace Front Wig
What is a wig cap?
How to apply my lace front wig?
How long can I wear a lace front wig?
What is a wig cap?
One of the biggest challenges for people wearing wigs is to make them look natural on real hair. A wig cap covers the hair, like a small stocking cap, to keep the hair under control and provide a smooth surface on which the wig can rest.
A wig cap is usually a small cap made of nylon, similar to the nylon in pantyhose. People with short or long hair can wear these hats if they want, and some hairstyles may require a hat to fit into a wig.

Regardless of the material or style of the wig cap, it is difficult to put all the hair on before putting on the wig. Using your hands and fingers, it is important to push as much hair up into the hat as possible. Unless the hairstyle is short, there may be at least a few stray hairs. A long-handled comb can be used to slide the remaining hair up and down to the brim of the hat. It takes time and patience, especially in the beginning.
Wigs worn for novelty or special occasions do not require a hat but can be worn for a better fit. People who wear wigs regularly or on a daily basis may find that the wig cap can greatly enhance their appearance and help the wig pass on to their natural hair.
The best way to clean a wig cap is usually by washing your hands and drying them. A sturdy mesh or cotton hat can be cleaned and reused as long as it remains the same shape. Nylon hats are usually cheaper and usually come in two packages, but they may not last as long as slightly more expensive mesh or cotton hats until stretched and unble. Wig caps can generally be purchased from any place where wig accessories are sold.
How to apply my lace front wig?
Many people like the lace front wigs because they are versatile and believable. The front lace mimics the natural hairline, allowing you to pull the wig away from your face in a variety of hairstyles. It's easy and fast to put on a lace front wig.

Steps to apply your lace front wig:
1. Do a skin test. Some people are allergic to the chemicals used to keep their wigs in place. Do a skin test to determine if you are allergic. First, place a small amount of liquid adhesive or double-sided wig tape on the back of your hand. Next, watch the adhesive for at least 24 hours. If your skin is red or irritated, buy hypoallergenic wig tape or adhesive instead.
2. Flatten your hair. The flatter your hair is against your head, the better your wig looks. You can weave your short hair into rows of corn, or press it against your head with Hairspray and a Bobby Pin. For long hair, tie the hair into a low ponytail. Next, wrap the ponytail in a flat bun and secure it with a Bobby Pin. Let any gel or hair gel dry before continuing.
3. Put on your wig cap. A wig cap is a bonnet that flatters your hair and helps it stay in place. Gently pull the wig cap, taking care not to disturb your pressed hair. Adjust the cap so that it barely covers your hairline. If you have little or no hair, skip this step. Otherwise, the hat will slide over your head and curl under your wig. Make sure all your hair is tucked into this hat, even the hair around your neck.

4. Wash your skin with a mild cleanser and dry it with a towel. Next, dip some alcohol into the cotton ball and rub along the hairline. This will remove excess oil from your skin. If your skin is sensitive, you can apply scalp-protecting essence after an alcohol wipe. Let the essence completely dry before continuing.
5. Test the fit of the wig. Before you use any adhesive, you need to make sure the wig fits. To do this, place the wig over your head and align it with your natural hairline. The wig usually has straps inside, you may need to adjust the straps to get the right fit. If you can feel the intense pressure around your scalp, the wig is too tight. If you move your head and the wig slides around, it's too loose. Tighten the straps.

6. Trim the lace. Once your wig fits, you need to trim the lace. Pull your hair out of your face with a couple of clips. Next, use scissors to trim the lace along your natural hairline. You should leave about an eighth of an inch (3 mm) of lace. This only needs to happen the first time you wear a wig.
7. Use liquid adhesives. If you don't want to use wig glue, you can use liquid lace adhesive instead. Use a clean makeup brush and gently apply the adhesive along your entire hairline. Depending on the type of adhesive, you may have to wait a few minutes before wearing a wig. If you use a soft adhesive, let the glue dry long enough to thicken before wearing the wig. If you use a hard adhesive, you can immediately wear a wig.
8. Adjust the edge of the wig to match the hairline. Next, adjust the back of the wig so that it hangs naturally in your hair. Finally, press the fringe of the wig into your glue or wig tape. Once you've pressed the lace into the glue or the wig tape, it's very difficult to remove. Before you do this, make sure the wig is perfectly aligned.
9. Design your own hair style. If your wig is made from human hair, you can use regular brushes, hot styling tools, and hair products. If your wig is synthetic, avoid using common brushes and hot styling tools. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb or wig brush to adjust your hair.
How long can I wear a lace front wig?
You can wear a lace front wig for about 2-6 weeks and then take it out. The timing depends on the quality of the wig, the type of hair, the installation and the care. Shampoo, Wash and condition wigs weekly to keep hair healthy and clean. Be sure to air-dry your wig, for the heat will wear it out. In addition, brush wigs regularly to prevent tangles and tangles. Wear lace tiaras for no more than six weeks. Give your natural hair at least a few weeks to breathe before installing a new wig. Or, take your hair off, comb it through, adjust it properly, and then stand it up. If you don't want to go to a hairdresser every few weeks and sew the wig directly into your hair, then sew the wig into an elastic band. This way, you can keep the seamless appearance, but you can always wear it off!
How durable is a lace front wig?
1. If you take good care of it, a good lace front wig will last a long time. As long as you don't use a lot of heat, keep your hair tilted, and always reinstall by a professional, the wig will stay the same for years to come. To make sure the wig stays in tip-top condition, clean and condition it as you take it off. Let it dry completely, then place it on a wig or in a silk bag. When not wearing a wig, store it in a dark, dry place.
2. Human hair, lace front wigs are more durable than synthetic wigs. Artificial wigs tend to be cheaper, but they break down faster than human wigs. If you want your wig to last (and look natural) , buy a high-quality human wig. Not only can wigs last longer, but you can style, cut or color them just like your hair. Coloring, treating or adding chemicals may shorten the life of a wig.

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