How To Bleach Knots & Pluck Your Lace Wigs?
Do you still worried about your frontal wig doesn't look natural? Today we will eliminate your worry. We will talk about how to bleach knots and pluck your lace wig just by yourself, which is totally beginners-friendly.
How To Bleach Knots At Home?
For lace front wig:
To start with the bleaching process, you are going to need your BW2 powder, a mixing bowl, a little wisp, and your Clairol 30 volume developer. We also need our gloves for protection and a butter knife and don't forget to use tinfoil. Now everything is ready.
Pour half of the packet into the mixing bowl and go-ahead to pour some develop. The ratio between the power and the Clairol developer is two to one, it's better to use more power than the developers just so that you could have like a pasty type of consistency. And once make sure that it's pasty so that it doesn't seep through the lace when you are applying it, especially if you have a heavy hand. When you are picking it up, you should have like a very pasty consistency and it shouldn't drop while you are shaking it. That is how you can tell if the consistency is good, otherwise, you need to add more power to make it thicker.

Now use your hot comb on the hottest setting and train the hair to be straight. When it comes out of the package, sometimes the hair could be laying flat on the lace which could lead to the bleach bleeding onto the actual hair itself instead of just the knots. For example, when the hair is like laying to the light, you'd better hot comb it to the left and when it's laying on the left you need to hot comb it to the right, and that just ensures that the hair is just straight and it's not laying on the lace. So we can avoid bleeding.
Take your butter knife and use a very light hand. You need to have your tinfoil underneath and have the tinfoil on the less shiny side because we are going to flip it over. The first and the most important part is the front of the lace part. The front is what we care about the most so you want to make sure that you tackle that first. Use the butter knife instead of a brush just because the brush bristles tend to press in the bleach. Make sure that you cover every knot with a light hand. Please do not press it in. Do it very lightly. Now turn over the frontal and let that sit for about 40 minutes. But every hair is different you just want to make sure you check on it about every 5 to 10 minutes to see if it's turning. You need to lift up the hair if there are some of it is still laying on the lace. Pick up the front of the hair so that the bleach can only tackle the knots and not the actual root of the hair.
Let it sit for about 35 minutes, after that you can rinse it with some warm water. Rinse out all the bleach and apply your blue shampoo. Use a blue shampoo which is the Joico color balance blue against when you are bleaching your knots. You are bleaching your knots to be an orange or brownish type not blonde. According to the color wheel, blue cancels out orange. So we are going to go ahead and use the blue shampoo, not the purple shampoo. Let that sit for about five minutes after you lathered it.

It literally canceled out all the orange and brassy tones in the frontal. Just going to rinse that out and add some shampoo and condition to wash it.
That, we finish bleaching the knots.
For lace closure wig:
First, you will be needing some foil gloves, a brush, a blonde highlight kit, Tresemme keratin smooth, shampoo, and conditioner.
You are just going to protect your counter with some foil. You can just use a plastic ball or scuff Deena. Put on your gloves and mix the activator and the Potter together. Start by going in with one spoon of the coloring powder and 2 tablespoons of activity tiles which is the correct ratio. Once you are done mixing it and make sure that you do put in the correct measurements. Mix that up with the brush and you will have perfect consistency, you don't want it to be runny because it is going to bleed through your closure. And that could result in a highlight in your hair. You are just basically tapping it and smearing it all over and making sure that you have it all well covered so that all the knots can be bleached very nicely.

Now let that sit for about 20 to 30 minutes. After that, it's time for clearance, make sure that you rinse it out very well. Apply the keratin smooth onto the hair that is very close to closure and spread it through all the way down to the rest of the hair. Let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes before you rinse the salt. After that, you will get a shiny and amazing closure.

Pluck Your Frontal Hairline
After bleaching the knots, now grab your mannequin head and just pin the frontal on there. You want to make sure that the hair is damp and have a spray bottle with water next to you just to continuously dampen the hair.
Use your rat tail comb and part the hair. Now start plucking from the back so when you are parting the hair it's like a pretty large chunk away from the frontal or the front area of the frontal. Make sure you are not plucking in the same spot. Plucking in different areas to reduce the chances of you getting a blade spot. The tweeze you use must be the Revlon tweeze. Make sure that your tweezers are not super-duper sharp. Use the slant to be on the frontal, not the opposite way. The tweezer should be against and lay right against the frontal. It shouldn't be plucking with just the pointy part because that is how you create holes.

You are going to use your comb just to comb out any of the excess hair that you have plucked out and then go ahead and cut a little section to get a little bit closer to the front area. Comb out the unnecessary or the plucked-out hair so that you can see your work. It's recommended that use the forearm of your arm, it could be faster than the comb sometimes. It takes out a lot of time to pick up the comb. Just literally picking at parts where it looks a little bit dense.
If you see certain parts looking a little bit dense, go in that area, behind the hairline, and pluck in that section. Then just use your hands to remove any of the plucked hair.

I personally do not like to pluck too much because frontal shed naturally and you just want to make sure that like you are not looking bald. If you don't want to damage the frontal as much, you definitely need a pre-plucked frontal. And Idoli Hair does sell pre-plucked wigs. You'd better not miss it.
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