How To Choose Your Own Favorable Wig
Which kind of wigs is suitable for you?
Which one is better? Brazilian hair or Peruvian hair?
How do distinguish human hair wigs & synthetic wigs?
Which kind of wigs is suitable for you?
We gonna talk to you guys about the difference between the different types of lace wigs. Because there are still many people who don't understand the difference between them. Some of them are very similar so I'm just gonna be going over the differences between a closure wig a frontal lace wig a full lace wig and a 360 lace wig.
Let's start with full lace wigs, full lace wigs are usually the most expensive wigs. Because they give you the most customization-like range like you can do almost anything with a full lace wig. You can braid them you can part them literally anywhere you want on your head, so you can put it up into a bun like a full lace wig just gives so many customization options. That is basically just like having like that's your hair.

A lace front wigs are wigs where there's just lace in the front that gives you the flexibility to customize the whole front of your hairline however you want and part it wherever you want. You know along the entire front and that also allows you to be able to like put it up and a half up half down, and basically just do whatever you want to the front of your head. The back of your head is just a regular wig so you won't be able to put it up into an updo. But that allows you to have full customization throughout your whole hairline.

360 lace wigs are lace wigs that you know regularly weft in the middle and have full customization around the whole hairline. So therefore that allows you to put it up into a bun.

A closure wig usually just has a four-by-four parting space and you can customize it. It usually makes middle part style.

So if you want something where you can do whatever you want to it you change your hair into all these different styles like two ponytails like you want cornrows all of that a full lace wig is probably best for you or even a lace front wig unless you're trying to put it all the way up. If you're the type of person who just likes to throw on the wig and go you don't really like to style your hair much you can definitely style your hair with closure. But if you just want something like if you don't plan on putting your hair up into ponytails or braiding it or doing all that other stuff closures are the best for you. Because they're also more affordable than the other two most likely.
Which one is better? Brazilian hair or Peruvian hair?
The first hair texture we're going to talk about is Brazilian hair. Brazilian hair is a super popular hair type. Brazilian hair is everywhere like in from Beauty Supply stores to overseas you can find resilient hair anywhere. But some cool things to note about Brazilian hair are comparable to different textures of hair Brazilian hair has a not natural shiny luster to it. So Brazilian hair is definitely going to give you a little bit of a natural shine. With Brazilian hair, you're definitely getting more so of the low to medium luster range. Brazilian hair is very for one low maintenance but aside from that whole to curl. Another thing when it does come to Brazilian hair is very bouncy and it's very full. Personally, Brazilian hair is my favorite out of the virgin hair group and if you guys are interested in some virgin Brazilian hair, Idoli Hair does sell virgin Brazilian hair as you can see it has a nice shine to it it's super soft and it's just such a beautiful feeling.

The next hair texture we're going to talk about is Peruvian hair Peruvian hair is very popular as well it's very pop it's not as popular as Brazilian hair. Peruvian here is mean definitely going to be of a thicker grade than Brazilian hair. Studies say that Peruvian hair is very comparable to relaxed hair. Peruvian hair also has very lightweight even though it's thicker than Brazilian hair. Peruvian hair overall is a beautiful texture.
How do distinguish human hair wigs & synthetic wigs?
Now we go into the overall test. You can see that both of them are glossy and shiny. However human hair could be more natural especially when you move the hair. Human hair is softer and moves more naturally, whereas synthetic hair looks rougher and more rigid. When the hair is tangled human hair is easier to comb.
The burn test it's the most effective way to distinguish between human hair and synthetic hair. When you burn synthetic hair, you will see black smoke and smell burning plastic. Furthermore, synthetic hair does not create ash when burned instead the plastic melts the strands of hair together ruining the extension. Human hair is completely the opposite. There is no black smoke, fewer burn smells and the ash is soft and can be removed from the remaining strands of hair.

The curling test would be a simple way to distinguish between synthetic and natural hair. You can use a curling iron to curl the human hair in order to blend it into your own hair. On the other hand, you cannot do this with synthetic hair. If you utilize high temperatures to curl synthetic hair it will shrink and appear damaged.
In addition, you can also try to use water to distinguish between human hair and synthetic hair. When synthetic hair is wet it will feel heavier and is not as flexible, whereas human hair has a high water permeability and is especially soft in the water.
After a series of tests, synthetic hair retains its shine after the first wash however it is damaged a lot in areas affected by hot tools, not the same as synthetic hair, human hair still retains its natural beauty it is soft and shiny even if you've curled dyed or washed it.

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